Today was a bit of a change, I was driven in a four wheel drive by Andrew.
First up this morning was breakfast together with Lucy and Andrew. Then they went off to work. I did a little tidying up in the Karavan.
Andrew returned and picked me up. We went into town and had a cappuccino in "The Larder" coffee shop. Andrew is there most mornings. Then we went out to do crop inspections on several of his clients' farms. He was checking for heliothis grubs in the crop, chick peas. He also checked on wheat and barley crops as we went. This was all bringing back memories of my farming days. Soon it was lunch time and we had our own but called on his clients and good friends, Brett and Sasha and little Campbell. A nice catch up with them all.
Next we drove to Bungunya, a tiny village with a grain receival depot. Again, we checked on the same types of crops on another client and friend, John. We had a coffee there while Andrew discussed the crops.
Then home by almost dark after travelling in excess of 300 kilometres for the day plus stopping and checking crops. Andrew told me this was a short run compared to the ones he does to the north.
Then Andrew made up enchiladas for dinner. Prior to dinner was some nibbles with drinks.
A great day being with Andrew and seeing his area and catching up with his friends.
First up this morning was breakfast together with Lucy and Andrew. Then they went off to work. I did a little tidying up in the Karavan.
Andrew returned and picked me up. We went into town and had a cappuccino in "The Larder" coffee shop. Andrew is there most mornings. Then we went out to do crop inspections on several of his clients' farms. He was checking for heliothis grubs in the crop, chick peas. He also checked on wheat and barley crops as we went. This was all bringing back memories of my farming days. Soon it was lunch time and we had our own but called on his clients and good friends, Brett and Sasha and little Campbell. A nice catch up with them all.
Next we drove to Bungunya, a tiny village with a grain receival depot. Again, we checked on the same types of crops on another client and friend, John. We had a coffee there while Andrew discussed the crops.
Then home by almost dark after travelling in excess of 300 kilometres for the day plus stopping and checking crops. Andrew told me this was a short run compared to the ones he does to the north.
Then Andrew made up enchiladas for dinner. Prior to dinner was some nibbles with drinks.
A great day being with Andrew and seeing his area and catching up with his friends.
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